Flammability Checklist for Products Guidance
Guidance and checklist for companies to help identify if their products have the correct test certification and comply with the Furniture & Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended)
This tracker/database template and support document will help companies create a documented system that demonstrates their compliance with the UK flammability regulations
In conjunction with Trading Standards, clarifies whether the FFFSR would fully apply in four scenarios
Recorded training providing a high level overview of the contract flammability regulations
Recorded training to help you understand the fire safety regulations for household furniture
Clarification from the OPSS (Office for Product Safety Standards) via the Hertfordshire Trading Standards Office (TS), to determine if the office chairs in use in the home environment are required to comply with the UK’s Furniture and Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations 1988 (FFFSR-1988 Regulations) in circumstances where they have already been tested to BS 7176: 2008 + A1; 2011
The route for claiming compliance with BS 7176 - Specification for resistance to ignition of upholstered furniture for non-domestic seating
Summary of the British Furniture Confederation’s Proposed Revision of Furniture & Furnishings (Fire) (Safety) Regulations
This report investigates the impact of the presence of flame retardants on the furniture industry in relation to the disposal of upholstery and furnishings