Archived News Article
UK REACH accredited stakeholders
The UK Government have established a national system to monitor and regulate the use of chemicals that mirrors the European REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation (and restriction) of Chemicals) Regulation from which the UK withdrew at the end of 2020.
Initially the UK version of the regulation known as UK REACH just replicated the EU Regulation with some alteration to take account of its status as national legislation. However, as time progresses the UK may decide not to implement the changes that are enacted in Europe or may decide to make its own restrictions on the uses of chemicals throughout the UK supply chain. The different actors in the supply chain all have different responsibilities and the restrictions that apply to chemicals can have different impacts for chemical manufacturers, chemical users in production processes, retailers and importers selling finished goods.
In order to ensure that when making changes to UK REACH legislation the needs of all parts of industry have been taken into account the UK Government through the Health & Safety Executive have created a network of UK REACH Accredited Stakeholders who will be invited to consultation and dissemination events to ensure a wide range of comments are received for new proposals and decisions and to understand the impact on different sectors.
There are two types of statuses for Accredited Stakeholders this includes Regular for organisations who will be consulted on all decisions and Occasional status for those organisations that will only be consulted on decisions which are expected to impact their specific industry.
The Furniture Industry Research Association has been granted Occasional Stakeholder status and will be represented by chemical expert John Hubbard from our Service Provider FIRA International.
For more information on either UK or REACH legislation and how the control of chemicals impacts the furniture industry please contact us