Archived News Article
Brexit information from ECHA
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) are reminding users of their Brexit page on the ECHA website.
The guidance explains what will happen in the event of a No Deal, so it is possible it may change if some kind of agreement can be reached.
ECHA states: The transition period for the UK's withdrawal from the EU will end on 31 December 2020. Companies should check if they are affected by the withdrawal, and UK-based registrations and authorisations should be transferred to an EU Member State before the end of the transition period.
Until then, EU laws including regulations managed by ECHA, still apply to the UK. Downstream users in the EU/EEA should check the list of substances registered only by UK companies to see if they will be affected and need to take action before the end of the transition period.
Before the end of the transition period, they will update their advice to companies to include the impact of the Protocol on Northern Ireland.